

There are only 4 significant anti-heal items, so take the correct one per the role you are playing:

Role Item Icon
Mage Morellonomicon
AD Mortal Reminder
Bruiser Chempunk Chainsword
Tank Thornmail

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The items above reduce the enemy’s heal by 50% for 3 seconds when dealing damage to them, except Thornmail, which triggers when you receive damage. The effect is called Grievous Wounds and can be acquired by buying the tier 2 item alone in the associated item build path. This can be useful as a cheap solution against foes with healing abilities, leaving the full item to be built later.

Ability-Based Anti-Heals: Varus has an ability that can disrupt enemies’ healing abilities. This skill, called “Hail of Arrows,” reduces the enemy’s heal by 40% for 3 seconds. It also slows and deals 70/115/160/205 Physical Damage to the enemy.

Spell-Based Anti-Heals: The only spell that can reduce enemy heals is “Ignite,” which deals True Damage and reduces heals by 60%. This spell has a range of 625 and lasts for 5 seconds, dealing 72-380 True Damage to the enemy.

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