Priority Bans

Don’t lose the game before it begins. Not being up against the following Champions will help.


Tristana can wreck a lane if left unchecked. She does a ton of damage and builds crit. Her bombs work on Turrets. With her jump, she can be on you in an instant and just as quickly escape out of your range. Play her or ban her.


He’ll pull you, stun you, execute you and then reclaim half his health. Feed him and he’ll be 1v5ing your entire team. Ban him.


At lower Tiers, Yummi feels more like a liability to the team she’s on, but as overall play improves (due to your ranking up), she becomes a cheat code. Best ban her.

More Banning Considerations

Champion Why?
Blitzcrank A lot of players seem to struggle dodging his rocket grab.
Kayn Flies around the map like a boss; ganks you shortly after.
Kayle If she scales, you will lose.
Teemo If you don’t end up feeding him, someone else will.
Twitch He appears suddenly and kills you when you’re vulnerable.